Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sometimes I Think, Sometimes I Am

Sometimes I Think, Sometimes I Am

It took several months before I received this book and I have to say I was thoroughly disappointed. It is now sitting on my shelf gathering dust. I like Sara's concept but the execution is of no appeal. I know she does great work and I have read a number of positive reviews, including this book but I simply don't understand what the hype is all about. Maybe its just me and what I consider to be good and not so good but out of all the books I was persuaded by this one and I wish I hadn't, she has other books that I prefer. I found that her drawings were of a dark nature and a little eerie. I am not a fan of dark art. Anyway, its just my opinion, maybe someone could enlighten me!

What are your thoughts?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Too long...

Gosh it has been a while. I have been working on a number of projects and writing blog entries that stray away from art but hey, it's all good. I have also been doing lots of doodling so really do not have much to show.

I do hate to leave my blogs unattended for too long so I thought it best to say, something. I have been back in the UK to be with family but a change is on the horizon. I just hope this time it is more permanent.  Moving around is unsettling but sometimes you have to do what you need to.

Hopefully my next post won't be so vague and I have more news.