Tuesday, March 29, 2011


One of my goals in life before I kick the bucket is to speak a second language. I find it so frustrating that I can not speak another language particularly now that we live in a multi-cultural society. In the art world you are encouraged to be able to speak one other language if not multiple,  particularly as a curator. I have dabbled in French and German but I have spent most of my time travelling to France, when I lived in England that is. I intend to go back and forth to Paris and Provence when I move back to England but I found when I spent time there I was picking up French (the accents could make it a challenge). I can read some French and I can listen to some if spoken slowly but my poor language education in the English school system had it all wrong, English speaking teacher teaching French and we were taught to translate not learn the language itself and to add to the confusion we were taught what was feminine and masculine, all I really needed to know was the correct words not he history behind it and what sex the word is - it really did not help.

My four year old has already been exposed to Chinese, Spanish and French and can sings songs in the languages which is far superior to where I am now, but that is what the schools are like, she has learnt by playing and listening to friends and taught by instructors who's second language is English.

So if there is anyone out there who is fluent in French and can help please contact me.

Stephanie Matthews

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