Why do I paint?
From a young age I have always enjoyed drawing, painting, using a variety of materials, techniques and creating art in one form or another. I go through phases where I can paint and paint and then nothing.
I have two daughters who are under 5 and they bring out my child like artistic creativity which helps me to be more hands on and experiment with materials I otherwise would not. Also, working in an corporate environment for over a decade can knock artistic creative thinking on the head somewhat but my kids have helped me regain my 'lost' imagination.
In England I was an art and design student at a college but decided to study business at university, also in England. I have continued to paint when I can and am inspired to do so. I moved away from Europe and I have developed routes in Canada where I have attending art classes to develop my knowledge and learn new techniques.
I lean towards fine art, I also enjoy photography and visiting galleries (when I get time). I have sold paintings and have exhibited work but now is the time to promote myself and create more work, I would love to be a full time artist but I can never see myself as a starving artist! My paintings are for sale - thought I should mention this.
I have used many styles, I seem to go through phases but don't most artists? Until I find a style that I love to do and can develop I will continue to experiment. Using colour is my main objective, I love colour. I enjoy working on still life projects and being inspired by what is around me.
As well as creating new work and being a full time office worker and mum I intend to develop my own website but I think this will be sometime later next year.
Now that I have provided a profile snapshot I hope that you enjoy my work and who knows you may even buy some.