It is that time of year again. #TwitterArtExhibit it is being held LA, (the last few exhibits have been held in Norway).
I participated in the original Twitter Art Exhibit a few years ago and I intend to do it again this year. Not sure what I will do but I will think of something.
I have cut and pasted a few of the details below but further details can be found by clicking here.
Saturday, January 12, 2013 | 7-10PM
Show runs January 12 – February 10, 2013
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, January 4th, 2013
Exhale Unlimited (E.U.) Gallery
953 Chung King Road, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Nat George, Virginia Arce
Twitter: @twitrartexhibitFacebook: /twitterartexhibit
Friday, October 26, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
A British Icon - Red Telephone Box
My latest creation to my painting collection.
A small little package ready to be sold.
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23cmx31cm 40 pounds sterling |
Saturday, August 25, 2012
I have succumbed and signed up to Pinterest. It is somewhat addictive. If you have not signed up yet and are not familiar with this new trend in social media then I will tell you in summary:
Once you have signed up, created your 'name' and can start creating boards which you can catergorise; e.g. fashion, gardens, interiors and so on. If you like a pinned picture you can re-pin it and should you choose you can follow that person or their board. You can also add websites as long as their are compatible pictures to be posted, thankfully Pinterest has it set-up so that it shows you where the image has originated as to avoid copyright however, it is worth checking. Hey presto, the world is your oyster, once you start you can't stop and within 10mins you will get the idea. Very easy to use.
There are some wonderful pictures to be pinned and re-pinned. I particularly like the interior design, architecture and gardens. However, there is a list that you can search under and chose, follow, as necessary.
Give it a try.
Once you have signed up, created your 'name' and can start creating boards which you can catergorise; e.g. fashion, gardens, interiors and so on. If you like a pinned picture you can re-pin it and should you choose you can follow that person or their board. You can also add websites as long as their are compatible pictures to be posted, thankfully Pinterest has it set-up so that it shows you where the image has originated as to avoid copyright however, it is worth checking. Hey presto, the world is your oyster, once you start you can't stop and within 10mins you will get the idea. Very easy to use.
There are some wonderful pictures to be pinned and re-pinned. I particularly like the interior design, architecture and gardens. However, there is a list that you can search under and chose, follow, as necessary.
Give it a try.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Summer houses
I would love my very own summer house, a retreat from the kids, a place to read or paint in peace. A quiet space all of my own.
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Courtesy DIY2U website |
Friday, August 10, 2012
Interior Design - Conran
I love interior design but it has been a few years since I have renovated and decorated a house. I can't help it but to get something that I can put my own and my families stamp on to. Currently, though, I am renting which limits me to doing no work on the property other than adding plants, pots and paintings. However, this is making me think a little outside the proverbial box and consider alternative ways to make my home attractive without investing a lot of money. Isn't that the name of the game during this economic depression we seem to be stuck in, to conserve money?
Recently I read an housetohome magazine and came across Sophie Conran's kitchen. I had never considered pink in a kitchen before, I doubt I can persuade my husband painting it bright and lovely like this, unless, I spent more time cooking. For me, I think this is a brave move that only designers dare to do and I for one would love a room like this. A happy place to be in and to do cooking and dish washing.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Artists copy, it is a fact. At art school, or at least when I went to art college to develop your style you would choose an artist, normally a famous one and copy their style. Of course you cannot claim this to be your own, and why would you, it's cheating, plagiarism, in a 'sue' culture it is a chance for someone to make money off an unfortunate person, but as children we copy to learn and develop.
Copying to develop your skills in the art world seems to upset a few people, personally I see it as a credit to my work, fine the copyright is mine but by all means copy it, learn from it and create your own style. I will not be at all offended, infact I would see it as a compliment.
We live in a competitive world and some are better than others and some overtake the well established artists. If you are afraid this might happen to you then you have no place to set up business. Business is fierce, whether it is a big or small company. I can no longer find original work, it has started from somewhere, been copied and developed to suit business needs.
I understand it takes years to develop a style, a business etc but people copy, hence why you see a number of TV shows similar to one another, songs that sound the same, paintings that are not dis-similar to each other.
This competitive world has created a few 'monsters' and now that we have the world wide web, people seem to think that commenting on posts in a manner that should not be posted, is OK, but it is not. Infact you could say it is harassment, bullying, particularly when the other side has apologised, an innocent mistake and will take down the posts but still the comments and harassment continue.
What next? Will schools be told not to copy anyone's work for fear of being sued. Will children no longer be allowed to copy their favourite Disney characters because it is a breach of copyright?
Come on people, get real. As long as that person is not making a profit from your designs, let it be, be happy, thrilled that someone appreciates your work and even found your work in the first place and appreciated it enough to copy it. Yes they should say where it came from where the inspiration came from but sometimes we forget, get interrupted, genuine mistake, did not even realize what they have done or even posted it unintentionally, etc. Peacefully inform the person to take it down and be done with it, don't gather your contacts and get them to harass the person concerned, particularly if they have apologised and insisted they will rectify the problem.
Get over yourself, you are no more special than the rest of us. Appreciate what you have and if someone better comes along either do something about it or fizzle away.
I hate bullying of any form, I see cyber-bullying to be a regular occurrence. I am passionate about never seeing it. However, I did see it and very disappointed by the people (including children) and businesses constantly harassing an apologetic person, (a person, not a business, or at least not yet established or even started selling products of any kind). Oh and should you go on a rant as to why someone should not copy, don't bother it won't be read, it may make you feel better but really it is a waste of your creative time and energy, because who can be bothered to read a ranting post? There are better things to be done.
There is a company that paints people onto Tote bags, I forget the company's name. I then discovered that there is another person also doing exactly the same thing, even to the point where the styles are so similar it is hard to differentiate. What did these two designers do? They accepted each other as competitors but who knows maybe they will join forces and create a much larger business, instead of bad mouthing each other and threatening one another. There is always space for a competitor. Another example would be Hello Kitty, I have a few of these things and what I thought was a Hello Kitty pencil case was actually a very similar design but I bet they did not go to 'war' on FB or Twitter about how one 'copied' or adapted their design. They understand nothing is original, it can be adapted and competition is out there.
The world has gone mad!!!
Copying to develop your skills in the art world seems to upset a few people, personally I see it as a credit to my work, fine the copyright is mine but by all means copy it, learn from it and create your own style. I will not be at all offended, infact I would see it as a compliment.
We live in a competitive world and some are better than others and some overtake the well established artists. If you are afraid this might happen to you then you have no place to set up business. Business is fierce, whether it is a big or small company. I can no longer find original work, it has started from somewhere, been copied and developed to suit business needs.
I understand it takes years to develop a style, a business etc but people copy, hence why you see a number of TV shows similar to one another, songs that sound the same, paintings that are not dis-similar to each other.
This competitive world has created a few 'monsters' and now that we have the world wide web, people seem to think that commenting on posts in a manner that should not be posted, is OK, but it is not. Infact you could say it is harassment, bullying, particularly when the other side has apologised, an innocent mistake and will take down the posts but still the comments and harassment continue.
What next? Will schools be told not to copy anyone's work for fear of being sued. Will children no longer be allowed to copy their favourite Disney characters because it is a breach of copyright?
Come on people, get real. As long as that person is not making a profit from your designs, let it be, be happy, thrilled that someone appreciates your work and even found your work in the first place and appreciated it enough to copy it. Yes they should say where it came from where the inspiration came from but sometimes we forget, get interrupted, genuine mistake, did not even realize what they have done or even posted it unintentionally, etc. Peacefully inform the person to take it down and be done with it, don't gather your contacts and get them to harass the person concerned, particularly if they have apologised and insisted they will rectify the problem.
Get over yourself, you are no more special than the rest of us. Appreciate what you have and if someone better comes along either do something about it or fizzle away.
I hate bullying of any form, I see cyber-bullying to be a regular occurrence. I am passionate about never seeing it. However, I did see it and very disappointed by the people (including children) and businesses constantly harassing an apologetic person, (a person, not a business, or at least not yet established or even started selling products of any kind). Oh and should you go on a rant as to why someone should not copy, don't bother it won't be read, it may make you feel better but really it is a waste of your creative time and energy, because who can be bothered to read a ranting post? There are better things to be done.
There is a company that paints people onto Tote bags, I forget the company's name. I then discovered that there is another person also doing exactly the same thing, even to the point where the styles are so similar it is hard to differentiate. What did these two designers do? They accepted each other as competitors but who knows maybe they will join forces and create a much larger business, instead of bad mouthing each other and threatening one another. There is always space for a competitor. Another example would be Hello Kitty, I have a few of these things and what I thought was a Hello Kitty pencil case was actually a very similar design but I bet they did not go to 'war' on FB or Twitter about how one 'copied' or adapted their design. They understand nothing is original, it can be adapted and competition is out there.
The world has gone mad!!!
Monday, April 23, 2012
New Post on Keri Smith's Living Out Loud
It is about time I added a new post.
I have been working on a number of projects but my update is about the Keri Smiths book I recently bought, Living Out Loud. I have done a number of tasks in her book, mostly writing tasks opposed to the usual draw something and destroy it project. Anyway, one of the tasks is writing down what would you like to see yourself as (my summary of it, I don't want to give too much away). Some of the questions needed some thought but I answered them all, quite an interesting quest I thought, some of the questions are about what do you want to do in your life but mostly makes you think about it in a different perspective as if you were living it. Goal setting I suppose but thinking big. One of the questions is seeing yourself in a house, what would it be like.
Another project, is writing 100 things you can do with a pencil, I changed mine to pen, by accident. It is a great exercise and makes you think outside the box.
Some fun things I have yet to do is paint pebbles and create my own sanctuary, wine and dine myself and so on. There are a few things that require cutting and building but I can't bring myself to do it because it is such a lovely book and wrecking it besides I currently do not have my own space to hide it so the kids don't destroy it. There are stickers too.
So all in all I am busy doing stuff, fun stuff included and work stuff too.
All in all it is a great book. A little different from her usual work but well worth purchasing.
I have been working on a number of projects but my update is about the Keri Smiths book I recently bought, Living Out Loud. I have done a number of tasks in her book, mostly writing tasks opposed to the usual draw something and destroy it project. Anyway, one of the tasks is writing down what would you like to see yourself as (my summary of it, I don't want to give too much away). Some of the questions needed some thought but I answered them all, quite an interesting quest I thought, some of the questions are about what do you want to do in your life but mostly makes you think about it in a different perspective as if you were living it. Goal setting I suppose but thinking big. One of the questions is seeing yourself in a house, what would it be like.
Another project, is writing 100 things you can do with a pencil, I changed mine to pen, by accident. It is a great exercise and makes you think outside the box.
Some fun things I have yet to do is paint pebbles and create my own sanctuary, wine and dine myself and so on. There are a few things that require cutting and building but I can't bring myself to do it because it is such a lovely book and wrecking it besides I currently do not have my own space to hide it so the kids don't destroy it. There are stickers too.
So all in all I am busy doing stuff, fun stuff included and work stuff too.
All in all it is a great book. A little different from her usual work but well worth purchasing.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Loving this
Take a look at the website, some awesome pictures including this one:
Once SteppyDoodles has reached 100 followers on Facebook SteppyDoodles will be holding a competition.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Living out Loud by Keri Smith has arrived...

...and it belongs to me. This book is a lot smaller than I thought it would be, about A5 sized, which is great because you can fit it into your bag and take it anywhere.
It is such a lovely book that I dare not rip or tear it apart like I would her other books. Some of her ideas are great and I have yet to do but once I have some quiet time I can get on with it.
I like the child play ideas, get back to what it is like to play. We get so serious as adults that we forget what it is like to have fun and for some they have to fuel their bodies with alcohol to enjoy themselves.
So let's do something adventurous like making a rag doll or a paper doll to dress with paper clothes, does it really seem so childish? It certainly sounds more fun than thinking about day to day drag of adult life, don't you?
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Blog Postings
Now I have my new camera I can post my sketches, paintings, creations etc. Hooray!
Let the mayhem begin....
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Keri Smith - Living Out Loud

I have just ordered this book by Keri Smith. I think her stuff is fun and opens the mind to being creative beyond what I would normally do. This book from what I have read, takes you back to when you were a kid and get creative in a child like sense, I find most of her books are like this. My other Keri Smith books are in storage so I have not been able to dig them out to complete them - sigh! However, I wanted something new and a little different and besides the book I wanted was out of stock so this one it is.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Art Book Review: Sometimes I think, Sometimes I am by Sara Fanelli's
Amazon Image. |
After 6 months of waiting, I finally got the book, Sometimes I think, Sometimes I am. What can I say? If I said that I am a little disappointed it would be an understatement, (please note I use profanity along the way). This book was not cheap and nor was it quick to come flying through my letter box.
After reading raving reviews I was expecting something spectacular and I got something that was, well, blah! I was not expecting to see doodles on any old scrap of paper or 'things' that might be laying around. Sara Fanelli's work is meant to be new and great but I did not get that sense from what I saw in this book. I have seen scrap booker's do fabulous work much better than the drivel I saw in this ever-so-long-title of a book. If I had been able to look at it in a book store I would never had spent my hard earned cash on it.
Someone somewhere did their typical pretentious critique art talk about the book and the mythical creatures taken and depicted in a fabulous way. To me it looked like someone had doodled something whilst talking on the telephone or bored in a meeting. Not quite sure why they are raving about it all. I draw shit like this all the time when I am die-ing of boredom.
It infuriates me why art critiques talk bollocks, I guess they are paid to talk shit and can say what they want. Hang on a minute, am I not also critiquing the work? Yup, I am and I am not getting a single penny out of it, oh no, I am the idiot who flushed money into the toilet because I could not think of anything better to do with it. If she can have a book written about her drawings on scrap pieces of paper then why can't someone who is making fabulous pieces of work also be talked about? I guess you have to produce crap to get noticed which includes a tent with all the people you have slept with and a cow in a glass box. Art? No. Shit? Well, yes.
Am I being too harsh, should I be looking at this in a different way, she is recycling and producing work etc? No I shouldn't because that is not how the art critiques portray her work in this book and I am disappointed in it.
I have seen some of Sara Fanelli's work and she is very good, but this book portrays the complete opposite of what she is good at and I think it should be taken off the shelves immediately.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Camera - hooray!

I finally have a new camera for my birthday, from me! What does this mean? I can easily upload my paintings which I fail to do adequately with my phone camera. I have been wanting a camera for a while now, because all my other ones have broken :(
The above FujiFilm camera in red is now mine, all mine. I have not tried to use it yet because I want to open it on my actual birthday, well, I have waited this long.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
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