Thursday, February 3, 2011

Science and art

Perhaps you may think that this is not art but you know, to a 2 and 4 year old, building your own volcano with paper mache, glue and paint is creating. To add to this little master piece it is also a science project and it will erupt soon. Can't wait!

Lots of newspaper
A small plastic bottle or glass (for pouring in the 'eruption solution')
Cardboard (for base)
Glue (glue bottle to cardboard)
Bicarbonate of Soda

Get the cardboard base and place glue in the centre, this is where you stick your plastic bottle. Place the bottle onto the glue and let it set, approx an hour.
To make the paper mache: mix one part flour and two parts water into a large bowl until as smooth a consistency as possible, this will act as the glue. 
Once mixed scrunch newspaper and dip into the 'glue mixture' and start to build up the volcano around the plastic bottle (I put glue on the bottle to help the newspaper stick). 
When you have it in a shape you like then cut the newspaper into strips (thicker the better it will quicken up the process) and dip into the glue mixture and smooth over the scrunched newspaper, it will help to smooth down the volcano (makes it easier to paint).
Keep building it up until you are happy.
It may need to dry overnight, so be patient, it is a step-by-step process.
Once dry, paint it any colour you like and if need be add glitter, like my girls did. We also picked dried leaves and fallen twigs and stuck it onto the cardboard base. (It should take about an hour to dry).

NOTE: I kept the lid of the bottle on until I had completed the project since you need to keep the inside of the clean bottle dry. (make sure you do not glue the lid on)

The finale mixture
Enough water to fill three quarters of the bottle (the bottle that is now wrapped in newspaper). Mix in bicarbonate of soda (about 3 tablespoons) the mixture can now be poured into bottle (it will start to fizz so you need to be quick. Make sure you do not add the vinegar until you are ready for the eruption.
Add the vinegar this is what will make it flow out of the bottle (you don't need much you will get the idea when you start to add it).
If you like you can add food colouring for fun (we used yellow would have preferred red).
I have not used specific measurements because when I did this it did not work so I went with the flow. The bicorbinate soda is what you need to add to keep it going. 

NOTE: This is messy so make sure you either do it outside or place it on a tray so it flows into the tray opposed to on your floor.

You can do this day after day until the paper mache starts to deteriorate.

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